
The Easiest Way to Unlock your Phone for FREE

Nec E616 Phone Information

Mobile Phone

Nec E616

Nec E616 Unlocking Procedure

Note : Please try unlocking your Nec E616 mobile phone only once using the steps given below with the Nec E616 unlock code you get from our unlocking tool. If it does not work, do not try again as it may get your Nec E616 permanently locked. Do not enter any wrong unlock codes on your Nec E616 mobile phone. If you enter over a certain amount of wrong unlock codes on your mobile phone, your Nec E616 phone may get permanently locked and sometimes become unusable.

1 - Switch ON your Nec E616 without any SIM Card.
2 - Compose : #7320*CODE#.

CODE: The unique unlock code for your Nec E616.

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